Should Prezi be used in the classroom??

After todays class about Power Point and the mention of Prezi I wanted to know what your guys thoughts are on Prezi? I always hear different opinions about this type of presentation style and I feel it is not the best way to present material. Mainly because of the transitions that I find become overpowering and distracting to the content of the presentation.

Found this article about reasons why it shouldn’t be used and wondered if you guys agreed or disagreed with the arguments.

3 thoughts on “Should Prezi be used in the classroom??

  1. Alex Dodds says:

    I think the entire goal of a presentation is to engage your audience and to connect with them on a personal level to effectively convey a point. The prezi presentations (as stated in the link you posted) are very distracting to the point that they (in some cases) cause motion sickness. With such a distracting and obnoxious tone, in my opinion they even hinder a presenters ability to effectively convey information.
    On the contrary I think they are effective if the prezi doesn’t have a physical presenter present (i.e voice over, etc) and full attention can be paid to the screen. With that said though, as soon as you put a person in the foreground with an already visually distracting background it is too much for the eye to handle.
    Cool link though, interesting to think about!


  2. Graeme Ruck says:

    Good find and I too would agree that for the sake of conveying information or lecturing, a prezi presentation is not the right tool. I don’t know what this presenter is using, but Transitions and animations are also possible in powerpoint, but they usually seem campy and it’s important to ask yourself why you are using them. Alex makes a great suggestion as to when prezi could be the right tool: almost like an easy way to make info animations or short films.
    Then there’s Hans Rosling…


    1. mattsourgoutsidis says:

      I would argue that Prezi is actually a better tool than powerpoint when it comes to keeping your audience engaged. While the motion sickness and ADA accessibility claims are compelling, the fact of the matter is that Prezi presents a more visually appealing, aesthetically pleasing, and interactive presentation than PP. A good way to think about Prezi is as an interactive or “moving” infographic. The presentation should only move to things that are of importance and that engage the audience. Just like in theory everything on an infographic should seek to accomplish something. I think Prezi should seek to make it more accessible for people with disabilities, but can still be used effectively.


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